Who We Help

In 2024, Charity Bicycles gave away over 503 bikes to people who needed safe, reliable transportation and to families who couldn't afford to buy them for their children.

We also provided bicycles to other local non-profit partners who identify people needing bike transportation and give them away. This allows us to expand our bike mission well beyond our local reach. Our partnerships include Love, Inc. of Livingston County, Detroit Christian, Eastside Community Church in Flint, The Salvation Army of Livingston County, and the Armory Bike Union in Jackson.

"I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."
— Mathew 25:36

We Strive to be Green

Did you know that when you donate a bike, you are also supporting the environment? When we started to collect more and more bikes, we recognized our role as a major recycler. On bikes we are not able to repair, local recycling separates the steel, rubber, and plastic that are later sold for another use. This helps keeps scrap bikes out of landfills. Charity Bicycles has helped to turn hundreds of bikes into thousands of pounds of raw materials that end up being made into all kinds of future stuff.